FAQs / PIE Day 101
Why PIE?
We use the acronym PIE because it's easy to remember and stands for Public, Intentional, and Explicit: the standard for an affirming welcome of Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people. PIE represents three ways for us to test just how real our Affirmation and celebration of gender or sexual diversity is.
We get it that it’s a quirky acronym, but its definitions have helped us form a framework around what inclusivity can tangibly look and feel like.
Why Pi?
Love is a circle. It’s irrational, inclusive, and infinite. And we’re delighted to add an Affirming twist to International Pi Day celebrations on 3.14, March 14, every year.
Why pie?
Why not! Mmmmm…pie. Is there anything it can’t do? Whether it’s lemon meringue, shepherds pie, or macaroni pie, there’s always something for everyone and everyone gets to be included - that’s what it’s all about.
Can anyone participate?
We hope that every faith community, organization, and individual who wants to will celebrate National Affirming Day! If you are a faith community or church you don’t have to be officially ‘affirming’ (wondering what we mean?) to host an event. Our co-founders, Affirm United/S’affirmer Ensemble and Affirming Connections, happen to be rooted in the United Church of Canada tradition, but we invite people of all faiths and backgrounds to celebrate this Day!
We’re not a faith community - can we participate?
We would love to see all kinds of groups and organizations use the concept of PIE to celebrate, educate, and create awareness of 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion! You are free to use our resources and create your own delicious twist on PIE!
Are there any guidelines?
We have a How To page and a full list of PIE Day ideas here!
We ask you to keep in mind that if you host an event or activity, you are publicly showing your affirmation of 2SLGBTQIA+ folks and are showing your commitment to continuing this journey. Doing a PIE event means that you take 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusivity seriously, even while having all of the pie fun!
If you use our materials or if we share your event, it is not an endorsement. Rather, we want to be a part of letting people know about the amazing, diverse, and inclusive things happening in our churches, communities, cities, and across the world.
Who are you again?
Two most excellent groups who want to work with you! Learn more about us here.
What are some PIE Examples?
For a comprehensive list of the origins, actions, and examples of what Public, Intentional, and Explicit affirmation look like, check out our detailed FAQ document and our PIE Videos.
Our videos feature real people and ministries who share what being PIE has meant for them and their communities.