How To
Celebrate National Affirming/PIE Day!
Pick A Date
The next National Affirming/PIE Day is Friday, March 14, 2025, and our theme is Sing Out Proud! You can plan something for that day, or any time that week!
Pick Your Ingredients
Get your faith or community group together and plan an in-person or online gathering, workshop, concert, conversation, movie night, open mic, or anything you can imagine! It’s okay to start with a bite-sized piece!
How can you “Sing Out Proud” this PIE Day?
Bring together local *2SLGBTQIA+ musicians or choirs to perform for a PIE Day concert or service
Ask your community’s singers or choir to perform one of the winning PIE Day songs
Host an open mic night fundraiser for a local 2SLGBTQIA+ serving group, with pie served at intermission
Learn and sing a new PIE Day song together at the next anti-2SLGBTQIA+ protest. In the 1960s, “We Shall Overcome” became the song sung at peaceful demonstrations and is still used today. Create a new tradition of protest songs!
Think of what it means to you to “Sing Out Proud” through music, arts, food, or whatever else you can dream up!
Click here for more PIE event planning ideas with lots of juicy tips!
Host an online open mic/coffeehouse for all stories.
Host a queer-themed film night with a discussion afterward.
Show one of our PIE Videos and host a discussion afterwards.
Re-ignite your action groups that work towards inclusion and diversity and make a plan for the coming year!
Host a workshop with a guest queer-identified speaker on the topics your community is curious about. Come up with some bite-sized ideas and note them down for ongoing action.
Partner with a local community group to host an event on sexual health, 2SLGBTQIA+ 101, faith and queer intersections, or another tasty topic!
*(Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual+)
Bake and Serve!
You have your date and event - now what? We can help!
We have ready-to-bake promo materials, worship templates, social media images, and videos that will help you advertise your PIE event! We invite you to use our templates and images, and to let people know through your website, ads, posters, social media, media release, or however you can get the word out. Visit our Materials page now!