PIE day Sunday Service, Lunch and Family Activity - Eden United Church, Mississauga, ON
10:00 AM10:00

PIE day Sunday Service, Lunch and Family Activity - Eden United Church, Mississauga, ON

Join us on Sunday March 9 for our annual PIE Day Sunday worship service followed by pizza pie lunch and tarts and family activity including a drumming activity. With the theme of "Sing Out Proud", our worship service will feature the music ministries of our vocal choir, bell choir, and folk group.

Eden United Church is located at 3051 Battleford Rd, Mississauga, ON.

Worship service can be viewed live on Youtube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/@EdenUnitedChurchMississauga/streams




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PIE Day in The County - Cressy Glenora United Church, ON
10:45 AM10:45

PIE Day in The County - Cressy Glenora United Church, ON

Today we celebrate our Affirming Ministry by being public, intentional and explicit in affirming LGBTQAI+ and Two-Spirit people, their family, friends and allies. You are welcome here. Bring a pie to share, if you can, or just bring your fork! Coffee and tea will also be served for this time of "sweet" fellowship.



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PIE Sunday - South Arm United Church, Richmond, BC
11:00 AM11:00

PIE Sunday - South Arm United Church, Richmond, BC

PIE Sunday! PIE = Public. Intentional. Explicit. The actual day for PIE Day is March 14 but we will celebrate after service at South Arm United Church (11051 Number 3 Rd, Richmond) on March 9th (the Sunday before P.I.E. Day). This is our chance to celebrate the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people in faith communities and beyond across Canada.




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Campus United U of C PIE Day Sing-Along - Campus United Calgary, AB
4:00 PM16:00

Campus United U of C PIE Day Sing-Along - Campus United Calgary, AB

  • Faith & Spirituality Centre, University of Calgary (MSC 487) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a friendly indoor campfire sing-along! Will there be s'mores or pie...or both?!! Come and see!


Discord: Request an invite from jessica.andrews2@ucalgary.ca

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What is Gender Affirming Care? - Pembina Parish Peace and Justice Action Group, Morden, MB
7:00 PM19:00

What is Gender Affirming Care? - Pembina Parish Peace and Justice Action Group, Morden, MB

The Pembina Parish PJ Action Group is proud to host esteemed physician, Dr. Shayne Reitmeier for an evening presentation, Q+A, and pie! Our event is sponsored by Menzies Medical and C.W.Wiebe Medical Centres.

Join us at St. Paul's, Pembina Parish. 353 Thornhill St. In Morden, MB at 7pm.

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Campus United MRU PIE Giveaway & Paint for Peace - Campus United Calgary, AB
11:30 AM11:30

Campus United MRU PIE Giveaway & Paint for Peace - Campus United Calgary, AB

  • Main Street, Mount Royal University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come by our table on Main Street at Mt Royal University for free pie and goodies! Join our Paint for Peace crafting table for a break from studies.


Discord- email jessica.andrews2@ucalgary.ca for an invite.

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PIE Day Pie - Knox United Church, Calgary, AB
11:00 AM11:00

PIE Day Pie - Knox United Church, Calgary, AB

To raise awareness of Knox's Affirming Ministry, our Public, Intentional, and Explicit stance, Knox's Affirming Team will be giving out pie and coffee from the garden to any and all who would like a slice of pie from 11:00 to 1:00 pm.

We are located in the middle of downtown Calgary, at the corner of 6th Avenue and 4th Street, SW.

Join us for pie, conversation, a celebration of PIE Day and visit our thrift store which will be open during the event.

Knox United Church
Open Space. Vibrant Place. Sacred Connections



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Pie March - McKillop United Church, Lethbridge, AB
2:00 PM14:00

Pie March - McKillop United Church, Lethbridge, AB

Join us for a Pie March, Friday, March 14 from 2-4:30 P.M.

Stand in non-violent solidarity for trans identities with our Affirming Team and Congregations in Lethbridge, as we eat pie with our local constituents.

2 PM Nathan Neudorf, UCP MLA @ 550 Wt Hill Blvd S #10

3 PM Rob Miyashiro, NDP MLA @ 410 Stafford Dr S #110

4 PM Rachel Thomas, CP MP @ 255 8 St S



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PIE Day - Central Saanich United, Saanichton, BC
5:30 PM17:30

PIE Day - Central Saanich United, Saanichton, BC

Central Saanich United is Celebrating PIE Day March 14 at 5:30 in their Hall with a potluck supper and speakers [Including James Gardner]. This is a chance to enjoy PIE and celebrate the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people in faith communities and beyond. More information: jcthackerk@gmail.com.



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PIE day at RWUC - Robertson Wesley United Church, Edmonton, AB
5:30 PM17:30

PIE day at RWUC - Robertson Wesley United Church, Edmonton, AB

Robertson Wesley United Church's affirming ministry is hosting a free community event for the evening of March 14th, 2025, Pi day, or National Affirming Day; focusing on “P.I.E.” with the theme "sing out proud”. The aim of the event is to celebrate the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and Publicly, Intentionally, Explicitly (PIE) emphasize the work of Robertson-Wesley United Church and pride organizations across Edmonton, who not only support, but integrate and raise up the queer community in our midst.

With the Alberta Legislature recently putting through several anti-trans related bills, the support of trans and non-binary individuals and vocal opposition to this sort of political rhetoric is essential. For that reason, whatever donations are received for this event will be split 50/50 between Robertson Wesley’s affirming work and Egale Canada’s efforts towards the litigation against these bills. Egale Canada is working with several families and Skipping Stone, suing the AB government for unconstitutional discrimination, particularly for Bill 26, which was just put into law on Dec 5, 2024.

The event itself is free (donations happily accepted) and will feature delicious pie, community networking, socializing, empowering words and a variety show of local performers.

View the performances as a recording and live stream via our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/RWUnitedChurch/live




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Sing Out Proud! - Gaetz Memorial United Church, Red Deer, AB
7:00 PM19:00

Sing Out Proud! - Gaetz Memorial United Church, Red Deer, AB

On 3.14 (Pi Day / March 14) we celebrate our affirming Ministry of Public, Intentional, Explicit inclusion of 2SLGBTQI+ people. Hence PIE! There will be joyful music and pie will be served!

7:00 PM to about 8:00 PM.

This is a free event. Come celebrate with us!



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Film Screening: 1946 – The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture - Islington United Church, Etobicoke, ON
7:00 PM19:00

Film Screening: 1946 – The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture - Islington United Church, Etobicoke, ON

The Affirm team invites you to an upcoming film screening on PIE Day––March 14, 2025, at 7:00 pm––in the Sanctuary. Pie will be served!

Please join us to view the highly acclaimed documentary film, “1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture.” The film follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946, casting significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice.

Immediately following the screening, the film’s researchers, Kathy Baldock and Ed Oxford, will join us via Zoom for a Q & A session. Kathy Baldock is an author, LGBTQ advocate, international speaker and educator, and a leading expert on LGBTQ issues in the United States, especially dealing with historical and current discrimination faced from the socially conservative Christian church and political sector. Ed Oxford is a gay Christian, a graduate of Talbot School of Theology, and a researcher in how the Bible has been weaponized against LGBTQ people.

Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to see an important film that helps unpack the relationship between culture, bias, and belief.

The event is free, but please register on our website so that our amazing Hospitality Team knows how much pie to prepare!



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Karaoke & Pie Social - Faith United Church, Hamilton, ON
7:00 PM19:00

Karaoke & Pie Social - Faith United Church, Hamilton, ON

Sing Out Loud for PIE Day! Save the date! National Affirming Day & PIE Day is coming up on March 14th, a special day to celebrate the full inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ people in faith communities and beyond. This year’s theme is “Sing Out Loud” – so join us for a Karaoke & Pie Social!

Faith United Church
Friday, March 14th
7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Free admission

Come ready to sing your heart out, enjoy delicious pie, and celebrate love, diversity, and inclusion with Faith’s Affirming Team!




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Event title: Affirming 101 Workshop McKillop United Church, Lethbridge, AB
12:30 PM12:30

Event title: Affirming 101 Workshop McKillop United Church, Lethbridge, AB

Come for Lunch and the Community Worship in partnership with Outreach Southern Alberta

What: Connect with affirming folks, share, perspectives, learn and grow together.

When: Saturday March 15th; Lunch @ 12:30 PM; Workshop 1:30-3 PM

Where: McKillop United Church, 2329 15th Avenue South, Lethbridge Alberta

We can be public, intentional, and explicit when we grow in our awareness of affirming!



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PIE Day event - Trinity United & Knox United, Brandon, MB
1:00 PM13:00

PIE Day event - Trinity United & Knox United, Brandon, MB

Special guest: Flora Hex of House of Hex. Come learn about the origins of drag, along with a Q&A period, performance, and real pie to conclude the afternoon. Donations to SERC programming. No registration required, open to all! 1:00 p.m. CST at Knox United, Brandon. 451-18 St, Brandon, MB (use 17 St entrance).

  • Special pre-event workshop open to youth ages 13+, from 10am-12pm: Drag workshop with Flora Hex. Lunch provided and free registration. Limited to 20 people. Scan QR code on poster or email us to register.

For more info contact us here.



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Sing Out Proud at Robert McClure United Church - Calgary, AB
10:30 AM10:30

Sing Out Proud at Robert McClure United Church - Calgary, AB

P.I.E. Sunday is March 16th. Join in, or tune in, as we Sing Out Proud!

Much of the music will be songs written and composed by musicians within 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities and Allies. Come be a part of the wonder and awe of Rainbow Resilience. Most definitely stay afterwards for our famous PIE lunch!


Writing Campaign in Support of Court Challenge Against Anti-trans Legislation

What better way to demonstrate being Public, Intentional, and Explicit than participating in a Writing Campaign, garnering support for the legal court challenge, to remove the anti-trans legislation passed by our current Alberta government?

The Affirming Ministry Action Committee has drafted letters to businesses and corporations that participated in Calgary's 2024 Pride Parade. The letters make an appeal for the companies to add their voices, and financial commitments, to support Skipping Stone and Egale Canada with the court challenge to do away with the anti-trans legislation.

As you enjoy your PIE lunch, please take time to add your name and contact information as signatories for these letters coming from the congregation of Robert McClure United Church.



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PIE Day worship service - Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church, Brighton, ON
10:30 AM10:30

PIE Day worship service - Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church, Brighton, ON

  • 56 Prince Edward Street Brighton, ON, K0K 1H0 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a special worship service celebrating the diversity of LGBTQ+ people. Be sure to join us for fellowship time after the service for refreshments and, of course, pie!

In person: 56 Prince Edward St., Brighton, ON
Online on Zoom




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PIE Sunday at SVUC - Symons Valley United Church, Calgary, AB
10:30 AM10:30

PIE Sunday at SVUC - Symons Valley United Church, Calgary, AB

Join Us for Worship and a PIE Lunch at Symons Valley United Church!

This Sunday, we invite you to a meaningful worship service at Symons Valley, where our guest preacher will be James Bellamy. James brings a powerful story of faith, identity, and bridge-building between the LGBTQ2S+ community and the Calgary Police Service.

Following worship, all are welcome to stay for a PIE lunch—Shepherd’s Pie and Dessert Pie—as we continue the conversation. During lunch, our local MLA, Court Ellingson (NDP), will share why being Public, Intentional, and Explicit (PIE) in our commitment to inclusion is so important when policies are being created by our Provincial Government.

We hope you’ll join us for this inspiring and welcoming gathering!




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Celebrating Affirming PIE Day Worship - Pictou United Church, NS
10:30 AM10:30

Celebrating Affirming PIE Day Worship - Pictou United Church, NS

“Sing Out Proud!”

An Affirming PIE Sunday Music-Filled Worship Celebration!

Sunday, March 16th - 10:30am (atlantic)

Pictou United Church
47 James St Pictou NS

Featuring the music of our award-winning PUC Choir and special musical guests: Shaun MacLean & Michael Martin

** with pie and refreshments following worship!!



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PIE Sunday, Market, and Silent Auction - St. Thomas United Church, Calgary, AB
10:30 AM10:30

PIE Sunday, Market, and Silent Auction - St. Thomas United Church, Calgary, AB

PIE Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 am (online option)
Queer and Ally Market from 11:30 am to 1 pm (in-person only)
Silent Auction for PIEs from 11:30 am to 1 pm (in-person only)
Lunch (by donation) of shepherd's pie and tarts





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Sing Our Proud!" PIE Day Worship Gathering - Pictou United Church, NS
10:30 AM10:30

Sing Our Proud!" PIE Day Worship Gathering - Pictou United Church, NS

10:30am (Atlantic time)

A music filled worship gathering as we 'Sing Out Proud' and Celebrate the power of music and the power of each of us to change our world!

Featuring this year's "Sing Our Proud!" award-winning Pictou United Church Choir

Pictou United Church
47 James St
Pictou, Nova Scotia



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PIE Day Celebration Service - Knox United Church, Calgary, AB
10:30 AM10:30

PIE Day Celebration Service - Knox United Church, Calgary, AB

Knox United Church in Calgary will be celebrating PIE Day with a special service on Sunday, March 16 at 10:30 am in person on the corner of 6th Avenue and 4th Street SW, Calgary, or online at kxcalgary.com

Join us in our magnificent, historic building as we bless and raise our new Intersex Inclusive Progress Pride Flag, and listen to what a Public, Intentional, and Explicit Affirming Church means for three diverse members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ and Knox Communities. Enjoy special music from the Knox Choir, and hear our amazing Casavant pipe organ - one of the largest organs in Canada

As always, we will continue in community after the service with coffee, pie, and conversation. Kay's Thrift Store will also be open after the service.

Knox United Church Calgary

Open Space
Vibrant Place
Sacred Connections

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"Mama Bears" Film Screening & Discussion - Trinity-Grace United Church, Vancouver, BC
12:00 PM12:00

"Mama Bears" Film Screening & Discussion - Trinity-Grace United Church, Vancouver, BC

A "Lunch & Learn" event beginning with PIE! At 12pm, we'll enjoy "pizza pie" and delicious dessert pies, followed by a screening and discussion of the film "Mama Bears", starting at 12:30pm. This is a free community event.

Host or event website:



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PIE Day Lunch & Learn - Red Deer Lake United Church, Calgary, AB
12:00 PM12:00

PIE Day Lunch & Learn - Red Deer Lake United Church, Calgary, AB

A lunch & learn following our service with special guest Tina Que she/her. from Rainbow Elders

Since I was a teen, there was always a leaning toward feminine dress. After a lifetime ebbs and flows of who I truly was, I revealed my true self to the world on April 4, 2022. There was a lot of speculating about how people would react but it has been a very positive experience.

Once I was out of the closet, I didn't want to create another by living in seclusion so I have lived a very public life testing boundaries of society. I have always tried living the life that paves a path for both myself and those that follow. If I can be a positive experience to those I meet, I can give those that follow a chance at the same positive experience.

I have found that there are many allies out there. Most of them want to know more about me but also what they hear and don't understand. I endeavour to create a safe space for allies to ask questions. Education and safe spaces are key to gaining allies. I have been there for others at Hillhurst United, Wolseley Canada and Rainbow Elders Society of Calgary but also my day to day dealings with people I meet.




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Singing Out Proud Amidst Anti-trans Sentiment in SK - St. Martin's United Church, SK
10:30 AM10:30

Singing Out Proud Amidst Anti-trans Sentiment in SK - St. Martin's United Church, SK

Our Sunday worship at St. Martin's United Church, 2617 Clarence Avenue in Saskatoon, SK will focus on the rising anti-trans legislation currently influencing our school system and how we can support all those affected.We will be joined by members of Fruits of the Spirit, an ecumenical group of 2SLGBTQIA folks and allies who meet Sunday afternoons in our church lounge. There will be a learning opportunity and pie following the service. All are welcome!



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Prep for PIE Day Community Conversation - Prairie to Pine Regional Council, SK
7:00 PM19:00

Prep for PIE Day Community Conversation - Prairie to Pine Regional Council, SK

All Affirming, in-process, and exploring ministries welcome, and all individuals too. Hosted by the Prairie to Pine Equity and Diversity Committee, we’ll explore our plans for the nation-wide Affirming PIE Day on Friday March 14. This year’s theme is Sing Out Proud, so come with your creative and in-harmony ideas to share or your questions to ask.



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1946 documentary Screening at Knox Performance Centre - Trinity United Church & Pacific Mountain Region Justice Network, Prince George, BC
7:30 PM19:30

1946 documentary Screening at Knox Performance Centre - Trinity United Church & Pacific Mountain Region Justice Network, Prince George, BC

  • 1448 5th Avenue Prince George, BC, V2L 3L7 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pacific Mountain Region Justice & Affirming Ministry is co-sponsoring with Trinity United Church a screening of the documentary 1946. This film that chronicles how the misuse of a single word changed the course of modern history and asks the question “What if the word homosexual was never meant to be in the Bible?”

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PIE Dinner and Drag Story Time - St. Luke's United Church, Sarnia, ON
5:00 PM17:00

PIE Dinner and Drag Story Time - St. Luke's United Church, Sarnia, ON

  • 350 Indian Road South Sarnia, ON, N7T 3W8 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are celebrating being Public, Intentional and Explicit in our Affirmation of Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ folks in every facet of our life as a faith community. Sheerah Mae Heartt, local drag queen, will be serving dinner, holding a drag story time and will perform a song or two.

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P.I.E. in the Public Square - Saskatoon Affirming Ministries, Saskatoon, SK
5:00 PM17:00

P.I.E. in the Public Square - Saskatoon Affirming Ministries, Saskatoon, SK

  • 222 3rd Avenue North Saskatoon, SK, S7K 0J5 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us in the civic square in front of city hall for "pie" (tarts), squares and hot chocolate, along with info cards listing the affirming United churches and other LGBTQ2S+ groups in our area and explaining what the terms public, intentional, and explicit mean.

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PIE/Pie Party - Pembina Parish Pastoral Charge, Morden, MB
3:30 PM15:30

PIE/Pie Party - Pembina Parish Pastoral Charge, Morden, MB

  • 353 Thornhill Street Morden, MB, R6M 1M8 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us to celebrate National Affirming/PIE Day! Why PIE? PIE = Public. Intentional. Explicit. Those are the standards we hold ourselves to as we seek to live into being 2SLGBTQIA+ Affirming as a faith community. And pie is also delicious! Let's share pie together as we celebrate PIE!

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